The Ed Web Blog

The Ed Web Blog's purpose is to inform you about Ed Web Services. The component used for the blog is EasyBlog by Stack Ideas and is available for your Ed Web Hosted website.

Email Marketing Do's and Don'ts

Now you'll be able to create newsletters that people can't wait to read! Click the image to view the pdf. Brought to you by HubSpot :-) 


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HBA Social Media Seminar

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A big thank you to the Homer Business Association for inviting me to present a seminar on Social Media.  The HBA is a wonderful group of kind people who are the fabric of the Homer business community. Another big thank you to Sylvia Nye for going the extra mile to secure the Living History Center for the venue for the seminar.  The venue there is second to none for a seminar of this type. 

I have posted the content from the presentation here...  The images within the presentation link to the respective websites imbedded in the presentation. Just click on the image on most slides and it will take you to more information on the topic. 


Here are some additional tips for managing your businesses social media presence from Andrea Vahl, one of the web's best trainers on the topic of social media management:

  • Don’t sign up for every social media site all at once.
  • Do one or two things well and then add more.
  • Make sure you know why you are doing it so you keep the big picture in mind.

There are huge benefits to participating in Social Media including:

  • Expanding your Internet presence
  • Growing your e-mail list
  • Connecting with current clients
  • Finding new customers Forming joint ventures
  • Helping your Search Engine Optimization for your website or blog
  • Masterminding new ideas by watching others in your industry
  • Make sure you know why you are on social media and put key measurements in place so that you know when you are successful.

Here at Ed Web Services we can assist you in meeting your businesses social media goals.  From a one to one consult to get you moving toward your goals to comprehensive management of your business social media presence we can tailor a plan that is just right for you. 

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Joomla! Core Features

Joomla! is one of the world's most popular software packages used to build, organize, manage and publish content for websites, blogs, Intranets and mobile applications. Owing to its scalable MVC architecture its also a great base to build web applications.

With more than 3 percent of the Web running on Joomla! and a CMS market share of more than 9 percent, Joomla! powers the web presence of hundreds of thousands of small businesses, governments, non-profits and large organizations worldwide like Citibank, eBay, Harvard University, Ikea, McDonald's and Sony.

As an award winning CMS led by an international community of more than a half million active contributors, helping the most inexperienced user to seasoned web developer make their digital visions a reality.

Here are some of the Joomla! features you will love.

Joomla Multilingual


Joomla! is the most popular and widely supported open source multilingual CMS platform in the world, offering more than 64 languages. Webmasters and content creators can create websites to be presented in multiple languages, without ever needing to step outside of the options available in the Joomla! core software. This is a big step forward and represents a set of capabilities that can make websites much more accessible, reaching out to a much larger audience.

Well supported

Well Supported

Our worldwide, enthusiastic community is filled with individuals, and teams of world class developers and business consultants who actively help at no cost in the forums.

There are thousands of professional Joomla! service providers throughout the world who can help build, maintain and market your Joomla! projects. The Joomla! community has a vetted directory of just some of these providers at the Joomla! Resources Directory.

Joomla EasyUpdate Icon

Easy Upgrades

One of the big challenges with any software is keeping it up to date. Fortunately, Joomla! has a "One Click Version Update" feature to make this process super easy for users of any skill level.
The built-in updater also has an automated checker which notifies you if anything needs updating; this includes notifications of the core software and Joomla! extension that utilise this feature. Keeping your site up to date is the single best thing you can do to secure your web assets and Joomla! gives you the tools to do this with little effort.

Joomla HelpSystem Icon

Integrated Help System

Joomla! has an in-app contextual help system to help every level of user to operate their Joomla. Most pages have a help button in the top right, helping you fully understand all options on that page. There is also a glossary explaining the terms in plain English, a version checker makes sure you're using the latest version, a system information tool helps you troubleshoot. If all else fails, links to a wealth of online resources for additional help and support are available, such as Joomla! Documentation and User Forum.

Joomla MediaManager Icon

Media Manager

The Media Manager is the tool for easily uploading, organizing and managing your media files and folders. You can even handle more types of files, thanks to the configurable MIME settings. The Media Manager is integrated into the Article Editor so you can access images and all other media files for easy usage and enhancement of your written content.

Joomla BannerManagement Icon

Banner Management

With the banner manager you have the possibility to easily add advertising and monetize your website. The tool allows you to create clients and campaigns, to add as many banners as you need, even custom codes, to set impression numbers, track the clicks and much more...

Joomla ContactManagement Icon

Contact Management

Not enough with just one contact form on your site? The contacts component allows you to add several contacts, departments and categories, and extend the basic contact information with miscellaneous information and an image. Easily set up a contact form for each contact you create and allow access to the public or just to some registered users, or create a listing of these contacts.

Joomla ContentManagement Icon

Content Management

Joomla! is a Content management system at heart and has some seriously great features that make organising and managing your content a breeze. Content creation is made very easy by the inbuilt WYSIWYG editor and allows you to edit content without any knowledge of code. After you created your content you'll find a lot of possibilities to show it on the frontend. Next to different layouts, you're able to use several pre installed modules to show the most popular articles, latest items, related articles and more.

Joomla NestedCategories Icon

Nested categorization

When you are managing content, organisation is a key requirement. Being able to create categories with nesting and no limits on depth is a great plus in helping manage large websites.

Joomla Tag Icon


When categorisation is not enough to structure your content, it's time to look at a flat organisation structure which is best served by tagging. What's more, tagging in Joomla! also supports nesting, so limits are just not there! 
Start tagging.

Joomla FrontEndEditing Icon

Frontend Editing

Editing content should be easy and fast. You are reading through your site's content and see a change you need to make. No need to login to the administrative section any more for simple edits of content and modules. 
Simply click and edit from the frontend.

Joomla ContentVersioning Icon

Content Versioning

You will never again lose a previous important version of your article and other changes on your site. You are now able to track exactly who made what changes, when, and, if a version note was entered, why the item got edited. Then if needed you can revert to any previous version.

Joomla Syndication Icon

Syndication and Newsfeed Management

Make sure your visitors stay updated on the new content you're adding, even when they come only once in a while. With Syndication you create a feed that users subscribe to in their favorite RSS reader and so they receive the updates. With newsfeed management, you can integrate RSS feeds to your site. Gather all posts from some of the largest news sites and show them on your site for example.

Joomla Extensibility Icon

Powerful Extensibility

The Joomla! core is just the beginning, the real power is in the way you can customize Joomla. More than 8.000 extensions are available to extend your website and broaden its funcionality. Visit the Joomla! Extensions Directory or use the Joomla! extension finder built right into Joomla! to see thousands of ways to enhance Joomla! to suit your needs.

Joomla ACL Icon

Extensive ACL for all your access control needs

ACL stands for Access Control List, it allows you to manage the users of your site, and different groups. When you're managing large content portals or even intranets that means you need extensive control on who can see what and who can edit or manage what. The Joomla! ACL is extremely powerful and can be tweaked via configuration to suit any needs you might have.



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Steps to Making Your Website Happen



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Using A Facebook Page to Promote Your Business or Organization

Using A Facebook Page to Promote Your  Business or Organization

Your Facebook page is a critical piece of marketing your business or organization.  It may currently be the most important piece.  Your Page is an extension of your business. It’s an easy way to share updates and more with the people who matter most. It’s ready to help you engage your customers on desktop and on mobile.  Here is a link to Facebook's guide to Page Fundamentals .

Here is a helpful graphic produced by Hubspot  that summarizes Do's and Don't for managing your page:



Another great blog for ideas about marketing is "The Vertical Response Blog " You can even download a free copy of their E-Book entitled "How to Attract Customers with Facebook ". 



There is no doubt that a Facebook page is critical to your business or organization.  Use the information presented in this blog to assure that you are leveraging the Power of The Page in every way that you can. 


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Your Site: Traffic, Customers and Sales

Your Site: Traffic, Customers and Sales

Weather you are a for profit business, a non-profit or a philosophical cause , your website's purpose is to generate "sales". Sales to you may be realized as new site registrations for your non-profit site or actual sales if you run an commerce site.   Sales are generated on the web based on this workflow:  Traffic converts to Customers who then covert to Sales. Let's take a look at some of the ways that you can keep these conversions moving in the right direction. 

Driving traffic to your site.  Your Ed Web Services website should be the hub of your web marketing, and social media, email, QR Codes, etc., are spokes that should drive traffic to the hub. Today, Facebook is the most effective means of driving traffic to your website. People who 'Like' your Facebook page have already indicated to you that they are interested in becoming your customer or sharing what you have to offer with their friends so that their friends can enjoy what you have to offer.  Use your Facebook page to direct people to your website by posting links to landing pages within your site that contain a 'call to action'.  When traffic is directed to a call to action and execute that action by giving you their contact info, they are now considered a customer. If the call to action involves a business transaction like a purchase or subscription the conversion is complete. Site traffic => Customer => Sales. 

Here is an image that illustrates the concept of using social media to drive traffic to your site. This particular images is from a blog from the Wine industry. 




Now that you have gotten the traffic to your site, it's time for the 'Call to Action'. According to Wikipedia,

“A call to action, or CTA, is a banner, button, or some type of graphic or text on a website meant to prompt a user to click it and continue down a conversion funnel.” 

(Excerpted from a blog on  ) Click, read, buy. Three actions you want your social media fans and followers to take. But they’ll never know how to react if you don’t ask. Incorporating an effective call to action that meshes tone, voice, content and strategy can make the difference between a post that flops and one that soars. Check out these strategies. Read about ways to create a COA by clicking the image:


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5 Questions Your Home Page Must Answer

When it comes to the anatomy of the website, the home page is arguably the most important part. It’s the first thing people see when they arrive on your site, so making a great first impression is paramount. In order to make sure you do just that, we decided to break it down by asking the hard questions.

Does your home page give the right answers? Time to find out:

Who Are You?

When eyes land on your website’s home page, the answer to this question should ring loud and clear. If you have a website for your business, your logo should be the first thing they see, or at the very least second. The same goes if you have an online portfolio or are using the site to promote your services. Be sure to answer this from the get-go so that there’s never room for any confusion. For tips on creating a fantastic logo, check out this blog post.

Who Are You?

What Do You Do?

It’s best to give people a clear sense of what service you provide or, more simply, what the reason for your website actually is. For example, if you’re a photographer – make it known. The same rule applies no matter what purpose your website serves. Sometimes the best way to go about this is to simply add your title, occupation or business service directly nearby your name or logo to eliminate any doubt.

What Do You Do?

What Information Can I Find Here?

Once you’ve got the first two questions down pat, this is your next stop on the road to home page perfection. Websites come in all different varieties – some choose to keep things ultra simple and information to the bare minimum, while others require a lot of pages and heaps of content. Whatever your site requires, it’s best to put an emphasis on smart navigation so your visitors can easily find the information they may be looking for. Organize your menu so it’s nice and neat and carefully lay out your site’s content to comply with visual hierarchy. Going with a fixed header can be a great way to achieve this.

What Information Can I Find Here?

What Sets You Apart?

Here’s where the word ‘brand’ comes into play. Don’t let it intimidate you – think of it more as a sentiment. What do you want people to associate your business or website with? Set the tone through your site’s design – fonts, colors, icons, and good quality images can move mountains when it comes to telling your story on the web. If you’re intimidated by design and its ever changing trends, just head on over to the Wix Blog’s dedicated web design section.

What Sets You Apart?

What Should I Do Next?

Once your site visitors have digested all that information, you’ll want to guide them to their next destination on your site. Where that next spot is depends on what you’re looking to achieve. But whether you want them to look over your art portfolio, product gallery, or testimonial page you’ll need to use a key web term: a strong CTA. CTA’s, or call to actions, can come in many forms. But whether it’s a button that simply says “Check out my artwork” or an icon with wording that reads “See more”, the point is always to get people clicking through to the next stop on your website’s roadmap.

What Should I Do Next?


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